A Treasured Tradition: National Defense Night

Pamela Wright, President General

Last night was certainly a ‘Sparkling Success”! I thoroughly loved seeing everyone mingling and Rejoicing in DAR ties of Service and Friendship. Special thanks to the Service to America Committee for putting on this important event and showing us all the best ways to get involved. 

This morning, we heard the remainder of the State Regent reports, a special thank you to all state leadership for sharing their state information. In addition, delegates casted votes this morning for Vice Presidents General and Honorary Vice Presidents General. 

Our final night of celebrations and honorees is upon us! National Defense Night is one of our most special treasured traditions. Tonight, our keynote speaker will be the Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, Admiral Linda Fagan with the DAR Patriot Award! We will also recognize Colonel Allison Black and Colonel Maria Bruton with the Margaret Cochran Corbin Award and the Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee Award respectively. After we will honor our Veteran Volunteer Awardees, Arthur Austin (Outstanding Veteran), Barbara Grant (Outstanding Member), and Elsie Van Beek (Outstanding Youth). 

After National Defense Night, we will toast to the end of Congress and enjoy each other’s company at the Congress Reception!

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