Fifth Annual National DAR Day of Service on the Horizon

Denise Doring VanBuren, President General

The National DAR Day of Service takes place each year on or near October 11 to honor the anniversary of our National Society’s founding on October 11, 1890. DAR chapters and members are encouraged to engage in meaningful service projects in their communities via this coast-to-coast collective expression of our mission to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism. Plan now to be a part of this important annual event.

Given the challenges presented by the pandemic, this year’s National DAR Day of Service may look a little bit different, but I am confident that our outstanding members and chapters will find compelling ways to safely participate in worthwhile projects that will reinforce our purpose and raise awareness of DAR in local communities. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Outdoor community service projects where social distancing measures can be easily maintained are a great way to participate. For example: gather donations (food, clothing, hygiene items, etc.) for those in need at a “drive-up collection” site; paint/clean the grounds/exterior of a local historic preservation; clean-up a local park or cemetery; stage a “Sea to Shine Sea” waterway cleanup through the Conservation Committee; or support our Literacy Committee by installing a “Little Free Library” in you community.
  • Virtual Service to America projects are another alternative, and they can be easily completed using Zoom (and other virtual meeting platforms). As examples: gather together online to write notes of encouragement to veterans and/or military personnel;  ask each member to individually read a book to a child through some sort of video platform, then report your combined numbers; index Genealogical Records (why not have a contest to see which chapter member can compile the most?); hold an open-to-the-public Genealogy Workshop through your local library; or coordinate donations using an Amazon (or another website) wish-list to benefit a worthy cause.

Members can continue, of course, to sew homemade face masks for those in need through our Service to America Committee project or participate in a similar group effort of your choosing independently while at home. What matters is working together on a project that will evidence our call to service, build a sense of teamwork and produce a result that is worthy of promotion (via traditional or social media). For additional ideas, please visit the Service to America Committee's Facebook Group.

Once you complete your project, you have two additional assignments!

  1. Be sure to post about your National DAR Day of Service projects on your personal, chapter and state society social media accounts using the hashtag #DARDayOfService. And of course, log your volunteer hours for your DAR Day of Service projects into our online tally. Every hour reflects our combined support of American ideals and values.
  2. Then don’t forget to submit your project for the Service to America Award for Outstanding National DAR Day of Service Project. This Award recognizes outstanding meaningful community service projects completed by three or more DAR members during the month of October 2020 in celebration of the National DAR Day of Service. Chapter regents: submit your service projects from October 1, 2020, though December 15, 2020. Two national award winners, one chapter and one state, will be recognized at Continental Congress 2021! Click here for additional details and submission instructions for the Service to America Award

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