Closing Out a Fantastic 132nd Continental Congress

Pamela Wright, President General

It was an honor and a privilege to be in the presence of so many selfless Americans last evening at National Defense Night. I’m so glad we could hear the stories of these men and women who are committed to protecting our country and its people, and how they also preserve the memories of the fallen and improve the lives of military families. I also hope you enjoyed the short video clip about DAR’s dedication to our Vietnam Veterans; you can now watch the full video here – it would make an excellent chapter program. You can watch the entire National Defense Night Ceremony here.

After this morning’s Memorial Service, we will have the Installation Ceremony for the new State Regents, and State Vice Regents and the newly elected Vice Presidents General and Honorary Vice President General: 

Morgan Elliott, Arizona

Kathleen “Kathy” Barrett Huston, Minnesota

Amanda Boer Lazarus, Rhode Island

Bethe Clark-Urban, Colorado

Kathryn Asay, Utah

Susan Abbott Broderick, California

Paula Pratt Renkas, Massachusetts


Joyce Ball Patton, Georgia

Congratulations to these members!

Once we adjourn the 132nd Continental Congress, the National Board of Management will attend their luncheon, and then have a meeting discussing another year of DAR work. 

I so enjoyed seeing everyone during the entire week of Continental Congress. It flew by and was fun and exhausting in the best way. I also hope everyone got something new out of the experience; there were some great ideas and new visions to take back to your chapters. To those who have never attended, it’s hard to describe the entire experience, but for me, it reinforces what it means to be a part of this incredible organization.

Through the week’s blog posts, the livestream of the sessions, photos, and the daily Congress Herald we have tried to make all of our members a part of the proceedings.  If you were unable to attend and experienced Congress from home, I hope you can join us next year for the 133rd Continental Congress, June 26-30, 2024!

Celebrate Stars and Stripes Forever and I hope to see everyone next year!

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