Celebrating the Dedication of Marian Anderson Hall in Philadelphia

Pamela Wright, President General

I was so honored to join with other DAR members on June 8 in Philadelphia, PA, for a historic celebration as The Philadelphia Orchestra rededicated its home at the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts in honor of the legendary contralto and civil rights icon Marian Anderson.

We were touched to receive a special invitation letter from the President and CEO of the Philadelphia Orchestra and Ensemble Arts, Matias Tarnopolsky, in which he wrote: “The renaming will take place 85 years after Marian Anderson sang at the Lincoln Memorial after being denied access to Constitution Hall by the Daughters of the American Revolution because of her race. Recognizing this injustice, the DAR has since worked to pay tribute to Ms. Anderson’s legacy, establishing a Marian Anderson Legacy Fund and Legacy Scholarship, and focusing on efforts to create a more inclusive and diverse organization. It is with these actions in mind that I invite you to join us on June 8, 2024, at 2:00 PM, for the official unveiling ceremony of Marian Anderson Hall.”

Many DAR members joined for the special dedication ceremony in the afternoon and DAR was proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the Great Stages Gala and Concert later that evening honoring Marian Anderson. Please watch video news coverage at these links from Philadelphia’s local ABC, NBC and FOX stations to learn more about the celebration.

It was an incredibly joyful and powerful day honoring the magnificent Marian Anderson who will forever be a part of our organization’s history. It was also impactful that so many of the organizers and attendees of the event told us how meaningful it was for DAR to have such a strong presence at the ceremony and be a supporter of the gala celebration.

One of the most special aspects of the day was being able to share the incredible experience and fellowship with some of our DAR members who are Black who helped us represent the National Society at this important event. I invited them to share their personal reflections on the celebration:

“As a Philadelphian, I'm thrilled with Today's DAR.  As a DAR member, I am increasingly committed to NSDAR and its mission and I'm forever thankful for the opportunity. The rest of the world needs to fully understand who we are as an organization. It takes pivotal moments like these to illustrate our collective interest in all Americans. If we are forever connected to Marian Anderson, then let it be for the right reasons! Throughout the entire event I enjoyed sharing news of the DAR Marian Anderson Legacy Scholarship and I was so moved hearing the applause by the audience attending the first-ever concert in Marian Anderson Hall when they announced DAR's donation as a sponsor of the celebration.” 

Taryn Kennedy
Independence Hall Chapter, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State Membership Chair
National Vice Chair, DAR Marian Anderson Legacy Scholarship


“It was an honor and a privilege to be included in this elaborate extravaganza commemorating the iconic Marian Anderson. In addition to the renaming ceremony and Gala, Saturday, June 8, 2024, was declared Marian Anderson Day in the City of Philadelphia and the Commonwealth.  It was truly a glorious program of philanthropists, talented musicians, and marvelous singers, all paying tribute to Ms. Anderson. The entire experience was a historical moment in American history. Eighty-five years after her historic Lincoln Memorial concert, I am forever grateful for the opportunity to experience this momentous occasion with my DAR sisters. Our very own artistic contralto and civil rights icon, Marian Anderson will be forever remembered.”

Ruth D. Hunt
New York City Chapter, New York


“Most people don’t know that my family history crossed paths with Marian Anderson’s when my mother, then a student at Howard University, actually attended the concert in 1939 at the Lincoln Memorial – and then joined DAR in 1983! So, I was truly honored when our President General, Pamela Rouse Wright, invited me to join her and a wonderful group of Daughters in Philadelphia to celebrate the historic rededication of their orchestra hall in honor of Marian Anderson's legacy as a world-renowned artist and civil rights pioneer. The day was a wonderful blend of history, music and sisterhood that moved me to tears at times and filled me with pride as a DAR member. My mother and Ms. Anderson could never have imagined the diversity in today’s DAR.”

Karen Batchelor
Organizing Officer, The Detroit Chapter, Michigan
Specialty Research Committee, African American Research


“I was so blessed and proud to be part of DAR, a Gold Sponsor for the Great Stages Gala, celebrating the renaming the Philadelphia Concert Hall for Marian Anderson. To me, this transformational, once in a lifetime experience exemplified NSDAR‘s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.  Brava DAR!”

Linda Rhodes Jones
Chapter First Vice Regent, Manhattan Chapter, New York
National Vice Chair, Community Service Awards Committee


“This event meant so much to me because it was yet another reason to share with others how DAR and Marian Anderson’s paths have continued to align since our error in 1939. Yannick Nezet-Seguin, 14 year artistic and musical director of the Philadelphia Symphony, informed the audience that the Marian Anderson Hall is one of only a few concert halls in the world named for an artist. In so doing, all who attend the hall will forever be reminded of Ms. Anderson’s talent and tenacity. This rededication, coordinated with local and state officials, highlighted Ms. Anderson’s significant talent and global appeal, lent to the auspiciousness of the occasion, and revealed the generosity of the donors, Leslie Miller and Richard Worley. I was so proud of our President General, Pamela Rouse Wright, for her leadership in supporting this once in a lifetime occasion and was honored to be invited to this event.”

Yolanda K. H. Bogan
Organizing Regent, Abiaka Chapter, Florida
Florida State Literacy Promotion Chair 


“Attending the Gala, I found myself tied to the DAR and Marian Anderson's legacy. Having written our names on the program to be archived by NSDAR, filled me with pride for Ms. Anderson's advocacy and talent. The event echoed themes of diversity, equality, and inclusion led by President General Pamela Rouse Wright, making me deeply thankful for the experience and our Society’s leadership.”

Michelle Cousins Wherry
Organizing Charter Chapter Regent, Ohio
Long Range Planning Commission Member
National Chair, Community Service Awards Committee


Thank you to all our members who support our Marian Anderson Legacy Fund so that we may continue to honor the musical artistry and social impact of one of the greatest voices of the 20th century.

To learn more about Marian Anderson and the DAR, please visit www.dar.org/MarianAnderson.

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