Kadri Kallikorm-Rhodes, DAR Library Reference Services Librarian

One of the most common problems encountered when conducting genealogical research occurs when you can’t find a single document that clearly states the relationship between two people in your lineage.  This type of problem might need to be resolved using Indirect Evidence.

In very broad terms, for genealogists, evidence can

Karen Janczy, DAR Genealogist

The DAR has numerous helpful resources to assist members with the preparation and submission of applications and supplementals. One such resource is Facebook, where there are several pages devoted to this topic: DAR Registrars and Members Helping Each Other; DAR Supplementals Support Team; and Lineage Research, NSDAR

Kadri Kallikorm-Rhodes, DAR Library Reference Services Librarian

After a summer break, live genealogy lectures at the DAR Library are back!  In a few weeks, on Tuesday, September 18 at 10 AM, I will give a talk about indirect evidence. The talk is titled “Indirect Evidence: Making the Case If You Do Not Have Direct Answers,” and I

Marilyn Mills, DAR Genealogist and Team Leader

Today I am going to introduce you to the Corrections Team, also known as the Red Team, of the Genealogy Department here at DAR Headquarters. This group of specially-trained Genealogy Staff Members handles all requests that come in for corrections. These corrections include updating information for established Patriots in

Susan Ernst, DAR Library Intern: Cataloging/Access Assessment Project

The staff of the DAR Library are pleased to be able to promote education in librarianship and the preservation of historical records by offering internships each year to college students who are interested in pursuing a career in Library Science or Archival Studies.  These interns assist us with various special

Tyler Hancock, National Vice Chair, Lineage Research, Spanish Task Force

Did you know that Spain contributed to the American Revolution? Have you ever panicked when a prospective member asked you for help with a Spanish patriot, and you had no idea where to start? Spanish Patriots of the American Revolution have many forms of service. Some possibilities include:

Paying a
Stacie Newton, DAR Library Director

Continental Congress is fast approaching!  As you are planning your schedules and preparing your packing lists, don’t forget about Genealogy Research.

The DAR Library and the Office of the Registrar General have several different learning opportunities that you might want to plan into your schedule.  Tuesday morning the Library will

Marilyn Dexter, Lineage Research National Vice Chair, Social Media

Let’s admit it—many of us enjoy Facebook. That being said, haven’t you ever wished that there were a few pages with no games, no “What Kind of Vegetable Would You Be?” quizzes, no recipes, and no political commentary? Have I got good news for you!

The Lineage Research, NSDAR Facebook

Morgan Elliott, National Chair, Lineage Research Committee

Remember how excited you were as you were about to become a new member of our Society?  As prospective members discover their ancestors and anticipate becoming Daughters, a prolonged wait for required evidence for their applications - or a letter requesting additional information – can really discourage them, and you

Stacie Newton, DAR Library Director

The next time you visit the DAR Library, you might notice that we’ve been making some enhancements to improve the accessibility of some of our resources.  Thanks to very generous donations from the Georgia State Society, Sharon De Puy of New York and Joan Peters of Washington, the Library