Genealogy Update!

Sara Sukol, Director, RG Genealogy

The month of July found the Data Entry and Genealogy staff at National busier than ever processing and reviewing Applications and Supplementals as we work to achieve our Society’s membership goals.  Their efforts paid off in a big way – with a whopping 1,270 Applications, along with 590 Supplementals, verified last month!  Thank you to all of the prospective members, chapter registrars and membership ambassadors who helped to prepare and submit these Applications for membership in our Society!

While we will always strive to improve productivity and turnaround, we are proud that the number of Applications verified represents an all-time record for the month of July.  At 590, Supplementals approved were just seven shy of the record for a July set back in 2017.

It’s a reflection of both the vibrant purpose that DAR offers to modern women and the professionalism of our Genealogy Team that three times the number of Applications were verified as compared to July 2005 and twice the number that were verified in 2011. Further, this number represents a 33-percent increase for Applications verified year-to-date from last year. We are proud of this progress, and grateful to the members and chapters for their patience as we work through this high volume of interest in joining Today’s DAR.

What is also truly remarkable about these numbers is that despite adding three genealogist positions to our Staff, the fact remains that July is always a very popular month for vacations within the Department.  Continental Congress has concluded and many staff members take the opportunity to schedule earned time away from the office.  More than one half of the members of the Department staff took advantage of well-deserved vacation last month, and still we set this July record.

Equally impressive is the fact that several of our staff members are relatively new to DAR, with six Application genealogists hired since November and three Supplementals genealogists arriving within the past year.  Three Data Entry staff members joined our team within the past six months. We fully expect that when these newer employees have additional time to learn their responsibilities further still, that our progress will continue into the future.

Thank you, Daughters, for encouraging and supporting the new members who are the future of our Society. And kudos to the Registrar General’s staff for a job exceptionally well done in getting this record number of July Applications approved!

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