Genealogy Research Institute Virtual Component

Jeannine Dobbins, National Chair, DAR Genealogy Commission

Today is the third and final day of this year’s DAR Genealogy Research Institute. This year marks the addition of professionally produced videos of the afternoon presentations. 

The videos will be available from May 15th through August 15th for a subscription cost of $185. Subscribers will enjoy unlimited access to the recordings, which feature six one-hour lectures by three pre-eminent genealogists.  

The lectures include those presented by LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, outlining her award-winning study of the descendants of an enslaved African American family using traditional research methods combined with DNA testing. The second set of videos are those of D. Joshua Taylor on the digital collections available in state archives and other digital collections. The last set are the presentations of Victor S. Dunn covering the use of court records and tax records in genealogy research. 

The handouts from each lecture will be included in the subscription, and you will be able to view the videos as many times as you wish during the 3-month period.

The lecture topics were chosen with the thought that they were topics that were of special interest to most DAR members who do not have the advantage of a major genealogy library within driving distance.  So many of us are reliant on digital online sources and the lectures concentrate their information on these. 

You can subscribe to the series now, click here!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to broaden your genealogy horizons!

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