Welcome to the Virtual 129th Continental Congress!

Connie Olde, National Chair, Continental Congress

Members and Guests, welcome to the Virtual 129th Continental Congress!

Just months ago, few of us could have imagined how our lives would be changed and shaped by the global pandemic. However, just as our predecessors faced the challenges of their time period, our organization has risen to the challenge and found a way to bring the 129th Continental Congress to members everywhere. We are making history this week conducting the annual business of our society through the use of technology!

We will “Rise and Shine for America!” by honoring many outstanding individuals and groups for their service and achievements. An overview of the coming sessions can be found here; they will air as video presentations on our Congress Online YouTube Livestream. You can learn more about participating in member created events by visiting the Virtual Congress Schedule. Please note the wonderful work of our Daughters and use their ideas in your chapters, state societies and communities.

There have been numerous challenges to launch this virtual Continental Congress and many deserve our heartfelt appreciation for all these new preparations: President General Denise Doring VanBuren; the Executive Committee and the hard-working DAR Staff, notably the Administrator, Stephen Nordholt and the Information Systems Department, Victor Kunze; and especially the Office of the President General, Lee Thorson; Public Relations Department, Bren Landon, Amanda DeFrancesco and Chantelle Polite and Congress Coordinator, Sajel Swartz.

Special thanks to all the 21 Congress Committee Chairs who assist in the countless details for our every success, you can meet them here. Our DAR volunteers are making your experience shine! The Congress Communications Committee with Chair Cara Hotz will keep you informed throughout the week. The Page Committee with Chair Vicki Voris helped coordinate many technological challenges of a virtual Congress. The VIS Committee with Chair Jan Johnpier helped assist with close to 100 different video submissions in order to include as part of the main sessions and assured the Help Desk will be prepared for technical Virtual Congress assistance to members.  The State Regents and National Chairs prepared video reports and presentations to recognize the fabulous achievements of our Daughters, Chapters and State Societies.

This week’s sessions, programs and events will inspire you to carry on our mission of God, Home and Country. You can find more information about every aspect of Congress on the Virtual 129th Continental Congress website.

We hope you will be motivated to get more involved! Let us join with enthusiasm in this “Rise and Shine” Continental Congress!

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