American Heritage Contest – 2022 Winners

Dianna Callaway, National Chair, American Heritage Committee

Established in 1963 by a motion at Continental Congress, the American Heritage Committee was tasked with the purpose of preserving our rich American heritage in the fields of art, crafts, drama, literature and music. And how do we preserve the arts? By sponsoring a contest each year that asks members to create a one-of-a-kind, heirloom piece that adheres to the yearly theme. Daughters have enthusiastically embraced our contest and each year we have almost 1500 entries. Our contest really is historical preservation at its finest.

“Rise and Shine your Light on our House Beautiful” was the theme for our American Heritage Committee contest for 2021. How fitting is this theme with all the renovations done during the VanBuren Administration on our House Beautiful. Each year a new theme is chosen in concurrence with our national theme and goals.

An Evelyn Cole Peters award can be given at the discretion of the National Vice Chairs of each of our five categories. Evelyn Cole Peters was our first National Chair, and her leadership, objectives and values have directly impacted our committee today. Mrs. Peters instructed Daughters to get involved at the local level by opening historical societies in our communities to collect local antiquities that could possibly be destroyed by age, location, or other misfortunes. Today, we honor outstanding entries with the Evelyn Cole Peters award. This year two ECP awards were given to the best of the best.

The first Evelyn Cole Peters award given in the Art & Sculpture, Acrylics category is this painting by Sandra Harris. Please note the progression of women from 1780, when our House Beautiful was nothing but a fleeting thought, through 1945 when all our dreams have become reality. Through the courage and action of our descendants, both male and female, our country was born.

Our next Evelyn Cole Peters award winner is a stunning rendition of “trash to treasure” by Holly Sweet. In our Crafts, Other category this entry was completely redone into what we see today. A chair worthy of any residence or House Beautiful.

Each entry in our American Heritage contest is worthy of being chosen as a National Winner – and that is how we consider each entry, as a winner. Entrants are passing down their knowledge, skill and instructions to the next generation. Every daughter, granddaughter or family member will either inherit this skill, or heirloom piece. Please follow this link for a sneak preview of our American Heritage first place winners: Madam President General and her Team have done a fantastic job, as always, with this gallery of winners.

This year, for the first time ever, all entrants were able to send their application and photos of their entry via email! No longer are we relying on postal mail for our entries to be delivered, and on time. Daughters have made the transition well, and all entries met our deadline of February 15.  

Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at Continental Congress. New this year! Our first place and Evelyn Cole Peters award winners will be at our Display of Winners at the JW Marriot from 3 – 5pm. You will be able to not only see our National Winners but visit with the creators and ask questions of their techniques and narrations. This is a wonderful opportunity, please join us!

Immediately following our Display of Winners, is our National Awards Presentation where all first through third place winners will receive their certificates and ribbon. Join us as we celebrate the beauty and continuation of our artist talents as we rise and shine for America and our House Beautiful!

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