Submitted by ADeFrancesco on

A Snowy Day at DAR Headquarters

As much of the country suffers from the cold, wet winter, I thought you might enjoy seeing how our beautiful Headquarters looks with a dusting of snow.  It was 14° when I drove to work and took these photos but our cleaning crew was already shoveling the sidewalks for the safety of pedestrians.

Being from Houston, I am more enthusiastic about the snow than many of those who have long walks from the Metro station.  In fact, the only time in my life we had a significant snowfall in my part of Texas was when I was in the fourth grade and we received about 5 inches.  I treasure the memory of making snow angels and snowmen with my siblings.  My young grandsons are eager for “Honey” to make a snowman in DC, but it will take a bit more snow than we have this morning. 

The National Board of Management will be traveling to DC for the Board meeting next week and thankfully, the weather forecast is much warmer. 

I hope each of you are staying warm and safe!