Submitted by ADeFrancesco on

The Guardian Trust Campaign

Nancy Hemmrich, National Chair, Development Committee

If you were with us at the 124th Continental Congress in Washington D.C., you participated in kicking off NSDAR’s celebration of 125 years of unparalleled accomplishments while helping to define the future that will honor our heritage. It was an exciting time for the organization.  If you could not be with us, I am delighted to share with you one of the most exhilarating moments of the weeklong meeting - the launch of the Guardian Trust Campaign

Throughout the past 125 years, each President General has faced historic preservation challenges within our home. Each has successfully mounted efforts to fund immediate needs in our buildings, sometimes at the expense of other highly visible, worthwhile projects. These leaders have often been required to put aside opportunities to make lasting gifts to our nation in order to take care of our treasured home. To hear what our Honorary Presidents General have to say about this important initiative, click here

Today, we believe it is time to permanently “guard that which is committed to our trust” and provide security for future generations of Daughters. So, as we kicked off our quasquicentennial celebrations at the 124th Continental Congress, we announced the establishment of the Guardian Trust Campaign: a campaign to establish a permanent endowment to provide financial security for the preservation and restoration of our home and to fund immediate restoration needs of Constitution Hall.

Not since our Founders set forth plans to build the finest building ever owned by women has this organization mounted such an ambitious campaign. To do this, we are seeking your support, and that of all Daughters, to help raise $25,000,000 to provide those much needed endowment funds. With almost $3,000,000 raised already we are excited to work over the next year with members, chapters and states to continue this exciting and critical campaign.

The Guardian Trust will become the permanent and perpetual foundation for our financial security. This is no different than in our personal lives when we save and invest so that we can face the future with courage and confidence. It is time for NSDAR to do the same: to obtain permanent funds that are restricted and invested so that future Presidents General will have the ongoing financial support to restore and preserve our historic property…those sacred spaces we call our home.

What Our Founders Built, We Must Preserve

I invite you to consider what we are proposing and discuss this important effort with your family and your chapter. It is an historic opportunity to have a lasting impact on NSDAR. It is also an opportunity for you to consider your legacy, and that of your family, for future generations. We are asking you to do no less than transform our Society’s philanthropy.

As Chair of the National Development Committee, I am excited about the opportunities that exist for this campaign.  Almost 500 people made contributions of various sizes while at Congress and so many have contacted me since about this campaign’s importance. It is truly a transformational time in our organization. The Office of Development gets calls every day from members who want to find out how to make a personally significant contribution to this ground breaking campaign and states are reaching out to strategize the best ways to participate and support the effort. I am grateful for your consideration of your place in our journey as we chart the path for the next 125 years and for your enduring support of our Society and its work. 

If you want more information about how to contribute or how to help others in your chapter or State participate please call me or call the Office of Development at 1-800-449-1776. You can also check out the web page:

We look forward to talking with you throughout the year as we work to achieve our goal.