Submitted by ADeFrancesco on

1 Million Community Service Hours (And Counting) for Celebrate America!

I was overjoyed to learn on Saturday morning that we had reached our goal of 1 million hours of community service work as part of the Celebrate America! initiative! Congratulations on meeting this goal and thank you for contributing your spare time to help in your local communities. I am so impressed with our members’ enthusiasm and participation in this initiative and seeing the tally move so quickly has been inspiring.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I can’t help myself but continually check the Celebrate America! ticker to see what the numbers will land on. There have even been a few instances when I woke up in the morning and looked at the ticker before I even turned off my alarm! Even now, the hours continue to go up practically every hour. As I post this blog message, we’re currently at 1,083,588 hours but I’m sure that will change even in the time it takes you to read the blog.

Even though we have reached this benchmark, I hope all members will continue to volunteer and continue to enter their hours for Celebrate America! using the Online Tally.

Please also help us to share your Celebrate America! stories. Make sure to submit anecdotes of the service work you are doing and please send photos of you and your chapter in action to [email protected]